Text: Genesis 3:9, Jeremiah 18:1-2, 1 Kings 17:2-3, 9, 2 Kings 5:10
Ministering: Daniel Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide)

The Lord has promised to do strange things using this program and I am certain in my spirit that anyone connected to this program shall testify. In Genesis 3, God asked Adam “where are you?” What a strange question. God asking a human where he was.

===> I see a woman in this program: they have been mocking you, even your inlaws too; but within the next few weeks a transaction will take place, that will disgrace all your enemies!

God also asked Jeremiah to go to the potter’s house, because that was the location where he would hear what God had to tell him. God also gave direct instructions to His prophet Elijah to go to two locations at two different times: Brook Cherith and Zarephath.

There is something known as commanded blessings.

===> I am praying for somebody here: may you not miss your commanded blessings in the name of Jesus!

God asked Adam “where art thou?” Was it that God could not see Adam? No. Adam was in the wrong place.

A sinner in the right place and a saint in the wrong place are birds of a feather; both of them will not be blessed. “Adam, where art thou” was a deep pregnant question. It meant: Adam,
– is this your condition?
– are you in the place where I placed you?
– is this our agreement?
– is that what has become of you?
– why have you decided to wage war against yourself?
– when did you become a self appointed criminal running away from the presence of God?
– why have you allowed the enemy to catch you so cheaply?

This is very strange. There is danger in wrong location. This is why one of the greatest prayers we pray in MFM is: my Father, let me be at the right place at the right time!

===> Say this 3 hot times: My father, let me be at the right place at the right time!

So I ask:
– Are you in the place and condition you ought to be?
– Do you know where you are in the timetable of the Almighty?
– Where are you in the thermometer of the Holy Spirit?
– Have you become a spiritual diabetic patient? You only like sugar, dancing, pleasure. You do not want to hear anything that will make you serious.
– Or are you a spiritual malaria patient? Alternating between hot and cold.
– Are you suffering from spiritual kwashiorkor? The word of God in you – zero. Prayer – 0. Holiness is zero.

Now back to Elijah. The ravens would never have fed him anywhere else except that place where God asked him to go. As anointed as Elijah was, if he decided he was not going to go to that location, he would die of hunger. It is a commanded blessing and the blessing goes to that location. The widow would not have appeared to feed Elijah in any other place except where he went. God did not say “Elijah, just be moving aimlessly like a vagabond and I will provide for you”. There was a place of God’s will for Elijah. There was a place of God’s power and provision for him. There was a place of God’s purpose and blessings for him.

God has a “there” for all of us. God has something for you. He has something He wants you to do. God has a location He wants you to be in. He has a church He wants you to join. He has a company He wants you to join. God has a location for you. It is a tragedy when God puts you in the south and you find your way to the north. It is a tragedy when your blessing is in your country and you run to somewhere else to find it. The commanded angel of blessing is waiting for you in your place of birth but you ran away to somewhere else.

If you are not in that divine location, you can never be truly happy elsewhere. You can never please God elsewhere except His divinely appointed condition and place. You may do a lot of very nice things and people are hailing you, but unless you are there in His location, you have chosen life’s second best for your life.

Beloveth, the lamentation is this: We cheat ourselves whenever we go our way. Whatever you attain and you miss God’s purpose is just you cheating yourself. There is a place of God’s blessings. If you feel too big to stay in that place, you cheat yourself.

There is a place of divine appointment and it is in that place of divine appointment that you receive divine appointment. If that little boy with the fish was not with Jesus, he would not have fed thousands of people.

A person can be working hard at a good thing but outside of God’s location, you are just being rebellious. There would have been no food for Elijah elsewhere. Are you in the place God wants you to be, or you are doing trial and error?

Naaman was asked to go to Jordan. He refused saying “we have Rivers where I come from: Abana and Pharpar and they are cleaner than Jordan river. Why can I not go there?”. No, the commanded blessing was on Jordan. God had no appointment with Abana and Pharpar, His appointment was with the dirty river Jordan.

So, there is power in correct positioning. There is power in correct location. As a matter of fact, your location determines your destiny. When you are wrongly placed, you are hooked to disgrace. If your position is everywhere, then your progress will be zero.

It is a wonderful thing to be divinely located. When you are divinely located, many things happen to your life:
– Divine favour.
– Divine fulfilment because you are in the right place.
– Open Heavens.
– Uncommon breakthroughs.
– Disgrace of enemies.
– Rain of abundance.
– Receiving of God’s miracles when you are where you are supposed to be.
– Difficult things become easy.
– You will receive divine assistance.
– You experience signs and wonders.

It is therefore a tragedy when you allow the dislocating power to dislocate you. It is a tragedy when you cannot locate your location, when you are in the wrong location, when you have abandoned your location, when you are glued to the wrong location, when you miss your divine location. It is a tragedy when the enemy relocates a man to the dark. We really have strong prayers to pray today.

===> I am praying for you today that the angels of uncommon breakthroughs will locate you today, in the name of Jesus.

===> All the harvest eaters and harvest killers, I command their yokes to be broken in the name of Jesus!

===> Where your enemy says you will not reach, you will surpass it in the name of Jesus!

But you see, the tragedy is this and this is why we need to pray hard: sometimes we miss divine position because we are at a different address from where the thing was forwarded to; even though we may be crying and praying day and night from our alternative address, and accusing God of not answering. God told Elijah the address where provision had been made for him and he moved to that address and the commanded blessing met him there. The raven sent to Elijah is a thief. It does not joke with meat, yet it was the one delivering the meat to Elijah.

So if you are not found where you should receive the blessing, the delivery officers will return the parcel; even though this was a blessing commanded to meet you. In other words, the fact of locations or being at the right location is crucial to all categories of blessings. This is a serious matter. But sometimes, it is not enough to just wait at the location that God wants you to wait. It does not mean you should just stay there looking. The blessing could be lost in transit.

Jesus told the apostles to wait in Jerusalem that He would send a blessing to that address. But did they sit down doing nothing? No. They spent the time praying until the blessings came. One story in the Bible is very interesting. The wise men were bringing gifts to Jesus. All of a sudden, they were diverted to Herod. They did not know that they had just been diverted to the enemy of the child. Thank God there were angels on duty to divert those people back to the right place.

===> I am praying for somebody today: any power assigned to divert your blessing to the enemy, may the sword of God cut them to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

===> I pray that the judgment of God will fall upon all the diversionary demons, in the name of Jesus.

This is where we are going to, today. Are you in the right place of the Almighty? Are you correctly located?

===> I pray that your feet will be ordered by God and you will not miss your way!

But then, if you miss your location:
– evil powers will easily overcome you.
– it will be difficult for you to possess your possession.
– The angels sent to bless you will walk away from you.

PRAY: Close your eyes where you are and say this loud and clear: Diversion powers targeted against my blessings, scatter in the name of Jesus.

Powers impersonating me in the spirit realm to steal my blessings, clear away in the name of Jesus.

There is something the Bible calls “commanded blessings”. They are blessings that have no choice but to come to you when you are correctly located. It is like a registered parcel bearing your name, but you have to be correctly positioned. It does not matter what you think or your opinion, it is a commanded blessing. If you have commanded blessing and you decide not to go to the right location, the blessing is already commanded and that will not be the fault of heaven. It will be your fault because you were wrongly located. 90% of success is correct positioning.

You need to:
– Become a friend of God
– Get close to the Almighty: everything you need to do to get close to God, you need to do it.
– Be 100% obedient to God, whether the instructions He is giving are convenient or not. It is not what is convenient that matters, it is what is commanded.

(Ask the Lord to forgive you in anyway you have been wrongly located).
(Lay your hand on your chest and cry out loud)
1. Every evil altar in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
2. Powers shifting away the day of my joy, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.
3. Wicked altars attacking my sweat, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Anointing to destroy the yoke of standstill, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

(Hold your water in your right hand and pray)
5. O God that killeth and maketh alive, kill my affliction, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every demonic arrogance assigned to mock me, scatter in the name of Jesus.
7. Powers working hard to keep me small, die in the name of Jesus.
8. By the anointing inside this water, I walk out of sickness. Sickness, walk out of me! in the name of Jesus.

1. My Father, I thank You for creating water as part of Your mysterious creation. Thank You Lord, because water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Water washes, revives, satisfies, refreshes, maintains, purifies and it is growth-producing.
2. O Lord, arise by Your resurrection power and breathe upon this body of water. Let the Holy Ghost fire overshadow this body of water and convert it to divine healing, creative water, demon-crushing-water, divine vitamins and divine antibiotics, in the name of Jesus.
3. My Father, let every particle of this water, carry unquenchable fire that will disgrace every plantation of darkness in my blood and the whole of my body, and let it challenge every hidden poison in my body and push it out, in Jesus’ name.
4. Father Lord, as I drink this water, let the power of the living waters mix with it and let it renew my youth like the eagle’s, let the spirit of wisdom, spirit of understanding, spirit of counsel and might, spirit of knowledge, and spirit of the fear of the Lord rest upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
5. Lord, as I drink this water, let it wash away every plantation of darkness in my life and let it wipe away the sorrow and bitter water troubling my life, in Jesus’ name.
6. Any power, opposing the purpose and divine agenda of God for my life, be shifted away by this water of fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. O God, arise and let this water scatter every horn of darkness planted against my life, and let it destroy the altar mounted against my destiny in my environment, in the name of Jesus.
8. You this water, purge sickness, infirmity, weakness and sickness unto death out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
9. Any dead organ in my body, come alive when you make contact with this water of fire, in the name of Jesus.
10. Father, let this water of fire dismantle stubborn wickedness and stubborn witchcraft in my environment, in the name of Jesus.
11. Power of Jehovah, trouble this water and convert it to demon-crushing water, in the name of Jesus.
12. O Thou, who sweetened the water of Marah, convert this water to divine antibiotics and vitamins, in the name of Jesus.


God bless you🙏


By TheInterviewsNigeria

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