Text: *Matthew 25:14-30*





As many people as are looking for uncommon breakthroughs, and they will like heaven to celebrate them should listen carefully to this message. If you do not make use of that talent that God has given to you, the verdict is that you are wicked and lazy. Not using your potentials lands you in hell fire very quickly.



*Marketing is:*
– Defined as various activities by which goods are supplied, advertised and sold.



– The practice of promoting and selling and distributing a product.




– Everything you do to place your product or service in the hands of those who need it. Therefore marketing is a creative industry.



*Potential is:*
– The sum total of the possibilities that are locked up within you.



– The totality of the greatness locked up inside of you.



– Something that is existing in you but not fully developed.



– Something inside of you that is not fully utilized.




– Something you have inside, that has not been exploited.



– Similar to what people call “talents”.



-An innate mental capacity.




Many people pass through this world wondering what they have come to do. Some even think that God is biased because He seems to be blessing some while allowing others to be poor. The blunt truth is that God has not created a failure. He wants all men to live successful lives.



There is no man or woman on the surface of the earth that does not have a potential or a talent. The faithful exploitation of the talent/talents will lead to successful living on earth.



When somebody’s potential is released, it becomes a world inheritance. But an unreleased potential, a dead talent, a talent that is in coma, is a capital loss to humanity.



Every man has been created to solve one problem or the other. Every man has been created with an innate potential from heaven planted within them. Not maximising that potential and working with it for God’s glory is wickedness. Since all potentials are for the good of mankind, you must be enthusiastic at marketing it.



There are Biblical principles of marketing, and they are different from what we know. The number one marketing God expects from you is with the talent you brought from heaven. That talent God has given to you, He expects you to trade with it and profit with it.



Make up your mind tonight. Joseph they say, was a dreamer. His talent was dreaming. One talent of dreaming moved that boy from the prison to the palace. One talent well utilized is able to change your life and change your family history.



>> I am praying for somebody here today: the serpent that has swallowed your potential, may the stomach of the serpent be punctured, so that your talent will be vomited, in the name of Jesus.*



*Biblical Principles.*
1. You cannot offer what you do not have. You do not have a particular thing, you cannot share it.



2. The relevance of your product determines how marketable it will be. This is why you need to find out all those potentials around you, let iron sharpen iron, and bring them out.



3. Your patronage is often influenced by your location. Meaning that if you are in the wrong place, you get yourself into trouble. This is why when some people are selling some particular things, they move to some particular locations.



4. Advertisement is the mother of profit.



5. Your supply determines your demand. That is, if you are making good delivery and continue to supply quality, you will always be in demand.



6. Your stewardship is established only by your faithfulness. The Bible says _”it is required for a steward to be found faithful”_. In anything you do, be faithful.



7. Activity is not the same thing as productivity. You can be very, very busy but you are doing nothing.



8. Losses do not glorify God. Only profits glorify God.



9. By divine arithmetic, stagnation is equivalent to failure. It is also equivalent to damnation.



10. The Bible says _”He that is slothful in his work is a brother to him that is a great waster”_ *(Proverbs 18:9)*. Meaning that laziness is a terrible disaster.
These are ten Biblical principles of marketing.




That which is in you that heaven programmed there when you were born could be your brain, thinking, your voice, your writing, your artistic talent, your memory power, your friendliness, your generosity; that thing in you that heaven has put as a solution to another man’s problem, is that potential that you must not allow to die.



*So that potential is:*


– The song that you are supposed to sing that you have not yet sung.



– The book you are supposed to write that you have not yet written.



– The sermon you are supposed to preach that you have not yet preached.



– The people whose lives you are supposed to change that you have not yet changed.







Let me go through it one by one before we go into our destiny recovery prayers.


1. Your must discover your potential. ‘What is it in me that God has planted in my life for the benefit of mankind and for the benefit of my destiny?’



2. You must itemise those potentials.



3. Know the need and problems your potential is to address.



4. Identify the location of your relevance.



5. Do not use your mouth to bury your potential. A lot of people talk against their own lives.



6. Be willing to help and assist other people; because if you are a selfish person, you kill your own potential.



7. Avoid places where your potentials are discouraged. Where you see that they keep discouraging you, avoid the place.



8. Locate problems and try your best to solve them. It is in solving these problems that you will know how strong you are and what God has planted within you.



9. Submit yourself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Be led by the Spirit of God always.



10. Pray fervently for divine connection and destiny helpers.




11. Always relate with successful people. The Bible says if you walk with the wise you will be wise. By this take, if you walk with the foolish, you will be foolish.



12. Ask for divine wisdom.



13. Pray for divine exposure. Pray so heavens should just display you.



14. Follow a good mentor. You must have a mentor in your life, somebody you regard as a role model.



15. Obey spiritual instructions and obey those who are leaders over you.



16. Learn the principle of small beginnings. You will be required to start small.



17. Identify divine opportunities and pursue them.



18. Appreciate the little results you see because whatever you do not appreciate will depreciate.



19. Be deaf to the voice of criticism, antagonism and hatred. Be deaf to the voice of envy.



20. You must prepare for satanic attacks and antagonism by men. If you must market your potential, the enemy will give you a war to fight.



21. You must have a vision, a purpose. Vision is starting with the end in mind. The Bible says _”where there is no vision, the people perish”_. I want you to understand this very well.



22. You must plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. No man will succeed unless he is ready to face and overcome difficulties, and is prepared to assume responsibilities.



23. You must set goals for yourself. Have a goal and aim towards that goal.






24. You must work really hard. There is no substitute for hardwork.



25. You must be determined. You must have determination. The Bible says _”is there anything too hard for the Lord?”_ This is a very serious matter.



26. Do not give up. That is, persevere. Anybody can do anything he wants to do if he can stick to it long enough. He that must have the fruit of the tree by force must learn to climb.



27. You must be courageous. Be strong and be of good courage. Success in life is not a matter of just talent, but there must be concentration, perseverance and boldness.



28. You must be disciplined. Discipline is a virtue for success. The most bankrupt man you the world is the indisciplined man.



29. Use time effectively. Time is your most important resource. Time wasted is not renewable. The Bible says _”so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”._



30. Be a prayer warrior. The man and woman who can pray have no problem at all. But when prayer jumps out of the window, then things are wrong.



Herein beloveth, are the 30 keys to market your potentials. I recommend that you listen to this over and over and over again. Age is no barrier to greatness. God can use anybody at any age.



*[Before Ministration]*



Satanic point of contact, harassing my life, expire, in the name of Jesus!



*[After Ministration Prayers]*



1. *[Lay your hand on your head]:*
My Father, upgrade my brain, in the name of Jesus.



2. Every witchcraft altar, in the place I am living, die! in the name of Jesus.



3. Every witchcraft dog, barking against me, shut up, in the name of Jesus.



4. *[Use your hands as a symbol of a gun]:*
I release the bullets of fire, against any evil gathering against my life, in the name of Jesus.



5. My Father, raise unexpected helpers for me, in the name of Jesus.




6. My Father, raise an enemy against my enemies, and let them scatter, in the name of Jesus.




7. My Red Sea, hear the Word of the Lord, divide by fire, in the name of Jesus.




8. Powers ordained to make me great, arise, locate me now, in the name of Jesus.



9. Powers that stopped my parents, you cannot stop me, therefore, die! in the name of Jesus.



10. O God arise, by fire by force, make me unstoppable, in the name of Jesus.



11. Powers planning to stop my light from shining, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.



12. Every demonic foundation, troubling my destiny, clear away, in the name of Jesus.




13. O God arise, increase my speed, in the name of Jesus.




14. Dark powers, attacking my dreams, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.



15. Powers assigned to siphon my blessings, die in the name of Jesus.



16. Blockage curses, attacking my life, break! in the name of Jesus.



17. Thou power of strange curses, thou power of strange covenants, break, in the name of Jesus.




God bless you in Jesus name.





By TheInterviewsNigeria

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