Brother Oscar.

I was attending a convention of Satanists beneath the ocean in the place called the Bermuda Triangle, where there is a bank of blood of Satan. Beneath this location in the ocean, there is Lucifer White House, the headquarter of Satan.

In this part of the ocean, there is a prison of fallen angels that are incarcerated. These rebel angels will be liberated in their time to cause chaos in the Great Tribulation.

In this point of the ocean called the Bermuda triangles, demons capture boats and planes and these forces are dangerous. I was attending meeting and summit of Satan in this place beneath the Bermuda Triangle where the devil was unveiling strategy against the church of Jesus and the human world.

Today, many churches are invaded by demons in flesh. Many pastors are married to women who are physical demons. At the end of time, the devil has deployed all category of demons such as the Avatar, who are false humans.

They are born from the union of men and Mermaid, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men.

The devil has also deployed the Highlanders, who are a class of demons fighting for powers among themselves. The devil is also deploying the dwarves who are human victims of blood sacrifice. When they died, they were enrolled in the army of darkness and they began to function like demons.

In a meeting in the White House beneath the Bermuda Triangle, the devil said to the Satanists, “You must stop God’s children from fasting and praying for when they fast their spirit expand, their development become great.”

Fasting and prayer is the food of the soul and the spirit. Fasting and prayer cause the growth and development of the spirit of God’s children. It causes the Spirit of God’s children to grow in size and in proportion.

Brother, when we fast we grow in spirit. However, when we purify ourselves and when we dedicate ourselves in prayer, our souls still maintain the same size but it becomes radiant and brightening. It is our spirit that expands and develop beyond the normal size of a human. God’s children develop and grow in height and width when they fast.

Prayer is an act of war against the world of Satan. Whenever God’s children pray they become fiery, and whenever God’s people pray the fire comes down from heaven abundant and when fire descended cause thunder, bombardment and explosion in the second heaven and the first Heaven.

We were battling to stop Christians from fasting and praying. We were causing God’s children to be walking around the city for nothing. And this was canceling their fasting.

Brother, a child of God must pray for at least three hours a day, one hour in the morning, one hour in the midday and one hour in the night. However, when you want to be used by God, you must pray at least seven hours a day. After three months you will be in another dimension.

The more you pray, the more fire is descending from heaven. The more you pray, the more fire causing bombardment. Whenever you pray, the spirit world comes under attack. You must use the scripture when you pray. The prayer in tongues gives a problem for the devil and the satanic world for they cannot understand it. And when you pray in tongues, there is a tunnel to the third heaven thanks to your prayers.

We were fighting prayer in tongues. I was a leader of witches. One day I was informed about a woman that was prayerful. I was told by witches, “We have tried to attack the woman but we failed. She always prays and she is dedicated. She is causing trouble in the neighborhood with her prayer that is causing bombardment and fire.”

I said to the Brotherhood, “Leave it to me. I will deal with her.”

When I took the case I began to study the Christian lady. First and foremost, I checked her clothing and adornment. I wanted to know whether she is using makeup and I saw that she was not in makeup. I tried to contact the Queen Jaqueline of the toilet.

Given that the woman was prayerful, the Queen was not in her toilet anymore. I saw that when this woman was walking in the street, she was doing silent prayer in her heart and fire was bubbling around her.

When she was working in the office she was working and praying in her heart. Silent prayer was a way of life for her. She prays for her house and her husband.

When I went to her house to get something to enchant it, but there was fire covering all items in the house. When I tried to touch her pagan husband I saw that he was in a fire.

Whenever Christian prays, there are damages and destruction in the spirit world. The prayer of God’s child rise in the air like a bowl of fire, and the more you pray the angel of God will engage battle in your favor.

The devil actually resorted to his 24 elders for war in space for the devil has 24 elders, 7 spirits and 4 living beings. He has copied what he has left in heaven. His 24 elders are dressed in black and they have crowns.

We were ordered to stop God’s children from fasting and praying for their spirit grow and develop beyond human proportion in the unseen world. We were beneath the ocean and Lucifer White House when the devil said to the audience, “You must stop God’s children from reading the Bible.”

Brother, I was in a perpetual war with God’s children. I was monitoring them. Whenever a Christian opened the Bible in order to read, I was showing up for they were paranormal phenomena.

In fact, as soon as the Christian began to read the first letter of the Bible passage at that moment, a flaming sword was coming down from the third heaven and the flaming sword was moving in circles around the Christian above his head with speed. The sword of light and fire was turning around a believer in great speed.

And the more the Christian read the Bible, the light and fire of the sword was getting strong and was removing impurity, sin and filthiness in the life of the believer. This is a work of purification for the meditation of the Bible purifies God’s children.

The second role of the Sword of Heaven is to increase the spiritual strength of the believer. Those who read the Word of God their spiritual strength increase. The Sword of Heaven neutralize bondage that we put on God’s children.

Brother, whenever this sword of fire descended from heaven, I was showing up at a relative distance in order to see. I always stood at a distance of 100 or 120 meters depending on the speed of the sword for fear of being struck down by the Heavenly Sword.

I often shot arrow against this sword but the arrow were returning to me. Whenever God’s children were reading the Bible I was often blowing air to cause them to have thought about other things in their mind while reading the Bible.

You cannot be reading the book of life and be thinking about your friends, project, and money. This was what I was doing.
Whenever God’s children were reading the Bible, I was able to get in their phone contact and select a contact that will give them a call in order to disrupt their meditation.

There are those who get restless when they read the Bible because I was blowing air of enchantment on them. I was also sending visitors to interrupt them. In some cases, I was erupting noise of children or people around them in order to stop them

Brother, whenever you have many thoughts when you are reading the Bible, it is an attack. When a believer comes to church but he does not know how to read the Bible. When he goes back home he will be thinking about the preaching he heard in the church.

As soon as he began to ponder about the preaching he heard in the church, the sword of third heaven was descending to purify him and to increase his spiritual strength.

I was always it attracted by the arrival of the Sword of Heaven, and I was trying to blow thoughts of distraction so that the Sword of Heaven will go back to the heaven. People who can’t read the Bible because they don’t know to read, they pray so that what they heard will be imparted in them. This prayer happened exactly the way they requested.

Brother, if you can read the Bible, but you don’t have a Bible, you are living in sin. And we were sending a spirit of scorn in you so that you may think that it does not matter whether you have the Bible or not.

The Bible has 66 books like the 66 chapters of Isaiah which talks about the Old and New Testament. It is written, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of his prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life.” (Rev 22:19)

There are 10 books added in the Catholic Bible and the Orthodox Bible. These cancel the Scripture. Basically in the spirit world, the King James Bible and other Bibles shine with brightening white light.

However, the New Jerusalem Bible and the Orthodox Bible shine with red light In fact, every property of the devil shine with red light in the spirit world.

I want to warn God’s children that the Catholic Bible and the Orthodox Bible are satanic. When you look at King James Bible and other I mean, when you look at the Bible with a vision of a spirit, you will notice that it is a living organism.

The Bible is alive and you will notice that it is like vibrating and breathing.

However, when you look at the Catholic Bible and the Orthodox Bible, you will notice that they are not living, vibrating and breathing. They are dead, they don’t give life and instead of brightening white light, they are emitting red light for they are the property of the devil.

Brother, I reached a level in mysticism where I was working with the 10 angels of light of Satan, such as the angel Maccabees, the Angel Sirac, the angel Lester, Daniel, Barack and others.

Brother, Bible reading is the cornerstone of Christian life. I would like to inform you God’s children that the New Testament of the Gideon group is tricked.

I want to inform God’s children that the Gideon group is infiltrated by occultists and Satanists. I mean that the cover of New Testament of Gideon group is designed in the Marine kingdom.

I was traveling to the marine kingdom and I was the 16th husband of the queen of the coast. And I used to see pastors in the Marine Kingdom receiving teaching.

The Gideon group is compromised, as the blue cover of the New Testament is being designed by the enemy. Even if you pray 10 hours a day, if you have the Gideon New Testament in your home, it is an open door.

We can enter your home through the red light emitted by the New Testament, even an angel cannot close that gateway. You can see as I am brushing the back of the cover of the New Testament, there are inverse writing that is satanic for the marine kingdom is making Bibles and Bible covers.

Let us be careful about the many Bibles having red covers. We were designing them with human blood. I want to tell you Christians that we are in a war. We often come under attack and when we are attacked and surrounded by the enemy, we must learn to recite and read the Scripture with a loud voice.

The mystery I am trying to reveal to God’s children is this when you are in battle, the reading and reciting of Psalms and Bible passages cause the angels of the Lord to descend right in the middle of your battle.
Brother, there were Bible passages that are dreaded by the army of the devil.

When I was working for Satan, I made sure that Christians remain ignorant of this mystery. There are Bible passages and Psalms that cause immediate deployment of angels in the lives of God’s children. When they recite these Psalms and many Bible verses, they summon the angels of heaven.

In spiritual battle I have seen battalion and regiment of soldiers angels descending from heaven whenever God’s children were reciting Bible passage. They are Psalms and passage of the Scripture that are connected to the angelic ministry.

Brother, the army of the devil is afraid of God’s children reciting Psalms and Bible passages in their houses. Indeed, many Psalms and Bible passages cause the angels of war to descend.

When God’s children recite these passages and Psalms in times of conflict and adversity, the host of the army of heaven descend. There is angelic deployment behind many Bible passage.

They act upon the passage when you recite them. Prayer with God’s word is so powerful.
Whenever you recite Psalm 24 Lift up your heads, oh you gates be lifted up you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come. The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle, He is the King of glory.

When you recite this passage, there is a number of angels that descend. I never knew how many of them. Nevertheless, a group of angels will descend to wherever this Bible verse is quoted.

In this eternal war, there are three strategic times of the day for prayer. In the dark world, we were told not to let Christian pray in these strategic times of the day, which is Dawn, midday and six in the evening.

There are God angels descend in the morning to bring God’s children the answer. And there are power deployed by the devil to stop God’s children from receiving.

I would like to give God’s children Psalm that you can recite in the morning. They destroy whatever plot and conspiracy that the enemy has resulted in the night.

This Bible passage neutralizes whatever enemy has planned for your life in the night and cause God angels to come down and neutralize the plan and snare of the enemy.

In Psalm 57, the Bible says, Let your glory be over all the earth. They set a net for my steps, my soul was bowed down, they dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves.

When you recite these three Psalms, the angels that follow these words of God will come down and cancel everything.

You can read Psalm 35 at midday for the devil don’t like it. For the soldier angel that is connected to this Psalm is powerful, robust and dangerous. At midday, everyday demons leave the sun and they cause sicknesses and migraines.

I admit our demons who caused these sicknesses and migraine. Dark forces are really strong at that time of the day. They work for the queen of the South called Jehosaphat.

The Bhagavad-Gita Khrisna is the personification of the Sun God. When you recite Psalm 35 at midday the angel come down and disrupt their activity. However, you must make sure that you are holy in this war.

You can recite Psalm 24, which is also dangerous. In the night before you sleep, you can read Psalm 99. There is another Psalm which is 29, which is very dangerous for the second heaven and the angel warrior who come down.

When you recite Psalm 29 which is called the voice of God for when he came down he will cause a war that causes demons to be scattered in the second heaven and they open the passage.

The Bible has all the solutions to all the problems on the earth.

In the Bible, there are nine spiritual gifts and nine fruits of the Spirit. Each gift of the Spirit is connected to a fruit of the Spirit.

There are Bible passages when you recite them, they open the spiritual gift. We were fighting so that men of God would not have a gift of vision and discernment.

Six in the evening is called the hour of landing for it is the sunset. Every day at 6pm, all the gateway to the world of Satan opened up. All the satanic agents travel at 6pm. They would begin to fill their planes and cars with oil, and at half-past 11, they will be arriving in the world of Satan.

Midnight is the intensity of the dark activity. These are strategic times we were to stop believers bringing in this time.

In the White House beneath the ocean the devil was also telling us to stop God’s people from giving tithes. When you resolve in a moment to give God we were coming to you so that you can be changing your mind.

God is expecting you to Share this Eye opening truth for the benefit of true Children of God. God bless you as you do so


By TheInterviewsNigeria

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