“It beats my imagination that society doesn’t encourage young musicians” Ozzy Bosco’s Mum
Ozzy Bosco with the Media men
The name Ozzy Bosco may not actually prick the ears of the elderly who are music followers. But all the same, it does to the younger ones.
Recently, IFECHI OKOH, met the talented young man, who is making waves on today’s beats scene through his mother and Manager, Chief (Mrs.) Nonye Mojekwu, who gave us an insightful gist which provided succinct answers to our probing questions. Excerpts:
May we know if the Nigerian government is supportive of young entertainers like Ozzy Bosco and his likes in any way?
For now, the FG is not supporting young entertainers. All they are interested in are the big names in the industry. Imagine! Honestly, it is quite disturbing that this country, and others in Africa, don’t even believe in young entertainers, not to talk of supporting them. The situation for now is that anybody who has such talented young man should carry that child’s gift alone as his personal burden. It is really incredible and unbelievable too! Although on our own part, we are doing all humanly possible for Nigerians and those in government to know that there’s need to encourage these talented young musicians. The country should recognize them, thereby catching them young. That’s the most proactive channel to catch them young and make them the stars and super stars that they should be before they become of age. The rewards of government support for them may not come now, but in future with all the concerted efforts we are putting on their exposure, we are building a solid platform for them to blow eventually. But sadly, for now, it’s to your tents, oh! Israel. Oh! yes.
Can we have an insight as to how Ozzy Bosco became an Ambassador to LAWMA and Ceeway Milk?
I must confess that the bosses of these concerns must have seen the potentials in my son through his impressive performances at the occasions witnessed by them at different places and times too.
These platforms actually provided them the veritable channels to assess properly before making up their minds.
The next thing was to approach me for talks. We did, and so he became their Ambassador. The MD of LAWMA was truly amazed at his impressive level of intelligence and agility.
Interestingly, Bosco has been carrying out his Ambassadorial roles with diligence and dignity, despite his age. We thank God for such miracle.
Can we have a peep into his backdrop?
To start with, his name is Ozzy Bosco a.k.a the Wonder Boy. He was born 15 years ago. We are from Nnewi in Anambra State. He is simply a talented act.
What brand of music does he play?
He plays the hip-hop genre and the gospel brand too, at times. Ozzy has 10 singles already to his credit. Here, they are, starting from ‘Super Star’, featuring Lampogini; to ‘U reign’, featuring Midnite crew; ‘Sweet Mama’, featuring Flavour; ‘Ozinga dance’, featuring MI; ‘Tinini’, featuring Olamide, and other fine songs featuring some other top shots on the beats scene. Could you believe that they were so comfortable with him during their duets? Hence we call him a Wonder Boy of the Nigerian beats scene.
Can you put us in the know of the most challenge you people have been confronted with since he took a dive into the music concern?
In everything one does in life, there are bound to be challenges. The most, however, for Bosco, is our society’s refusal to embrace talented young acts like Ozzy Bosco. If the individuals refuse to identify with the likes of my talented son, can’t government officials who have been singing about the need to catch talents young identify with them? Oh yeah! What about them for God’s sake? That’s exactly the problem, we that have talented children like Ozzy Bosco, are facing in Nigeria. This is quite discouraging and also very bad.
“This is the time those in government should give them all the encouragement, else they may lose interest before they finally grow up. It is our duty! We owe them that, no matter what anyone may think. That is why it beats my imagination when I notice that the society don’t encourage young entertainers. The children of nowadays are pretty intelligent. If you want a better Society, they must be encouraged in their creative endeavours.”
What magic do you think that must have made your son a professional as a teenager?
Magic? None actually, except that he is a born musician. That’s all!
Source News Express