Hadi Usman, a Nigerian has invented a water-cooking stove as a result of the country’s rising prices of cooking gas and now pleading with the Federal Government to support and embrace his laudable project.




Naija News reports that the 67-year-old gifted man is from the Jekadafari area of Gombe State.




Usman is said to have been responsible for a  catalogue of rare and remarkable inventions in the past.





He is known for putting together a radio transmitter and running a community radio station.




Usman, 67 –years –old, wants the Federal Government to assist him in Mass-producing his water-powered cooking stove in order to reduce the adverse effects that the rising cost of cooking gas has brought on Nigerians.






‘’I wish relevant institutions and bodies can support towards patenting the project for mass production at least it will help without buying kerosene or gas to cook their foods by using water,’’ Hadi said.

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