Dated 17th November 2023, the appointment letter conveys this news along with all the necessary documents attached to the diplomatic mission. These include a diplomatic ECOWAS Youth Council ID card, ECOWAS Youth Council Certificate, appointment letter, and a specialized automobile plate number to facilitate the Ambassador’s movement across the ECOWAS region.


Bolaji Akintola is an astute entrepreneur, IT Security Expert, IT consultant, and youth advocate. As the CEO of Bolarge Technology Ltd, a multifaceted technology development company focusing on Surveillance systems, cybersecurity and IT consultancy, Akintola is actively involved in youth development. He is a member of the West Africa Youth Fellowship Technology Advisory Board. Through his firm, Bolaji has empowered numerous young people with technological skills, contributing to the nation’s economic and labour growth by employing several young individuals in his company. Given his vast experience in social development, there is no doubt that Akintola’s newly acquired position as an ECOWAS Youth Ambassador will significantly impact the young populace.





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