*Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill, once said: “I took a taxi one day to the BBC offices for an interview.*

*When I arrived, I asked the driver to wait for me for Forty Minutes until I ‘ll get back, but the driver apologized and said, “I can’t, because I have to go home to listen to Winston Churchill’s speech”.*


Donald Trump Appoints Woman Who Accidentally Shot Her Father Dead At Age 13 To Become US Surgeon General


*I was amazed and delighted with the man’s desire to listen to my speech! So I took out 20 pounds and gave it to the taxi driver instead of 5 Pounds without telling him who I was. When the driver collected the money, he said: “I’ll wait for hours until you come back, sir! And let Churchill go to hell”!!!

*You can see how Principles have been modified in favour of money;*
*Nations were sold for money;*
*Honour sold for money;*
*Families split for money;*
*Friends separated for money;*
*People killed for money;*
*People being made slaves for money.*
*For how much are you ready to sell your values? (if we still have any).*

*May GOD take control*🙏



By TheInterviewsNigeria

Publisher/Editor -in Chief with more than a decade of working in the media production industry, Our preoccupation is Development News and rooting for innovation locally and internationally. We are British trained Business English PRO. We edit manuscripts for book publication, translation(English/Yoruba/French). We cross your 't's' and dot your 'i's. We are also into speech draftsmanship and photography; Business reports, and proposals, with minimal cost. Meeting the deadline is our watchword. We would cover your Social /Public events with precision. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Call-08144956897, 08057355037 E-mail- theinterviewsng@gmail.com, akintunde.idowu@gmail.com

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