With the rain still very much around, the air calls for great attention. Unlike in other seasons, rain

Could make hairs get easily messed up.

‘’Gelling’’ is minus this season. Just imagine yourself walking down the road with a beautifully-gelled grown hairstyle and the heaves open up. You can save yourself the embarrassment of moving in the rain with your newly-retouched hair falling over your face, and the dissolved gel running down your brows, by staying off gels and going for hairstyles that suit the seasons.

Ponytail (bonding of the hair into a single horse tail style) will suffice this season. If you have naturally long hair, you could bond it into a ponytail for that smart day-like look. If it’s short, extensions popularly called weave-on could be useful to make ponytails. You’ll still maintain that natural look.

Different types of weave-on of various colours and lengths are now available in the markets But there are some of them that will pass beautifully well for this season. For that natural, lasting look, even under the rain, why not go for human hair, straight weave-on or Chinese weave-on?  Even after a wet time out, all you need to do is to mop the air with a towel and allow drying naturally. If you want that curly look even after getting wet, then you should go for the wet and wavy weave on or spring curls. A weave-on like the wet and wavy even needs a dab of water to give you that bouncing curly and shinning look.

For the babe who will not like to do away with her bob hairstyle, because of the difficulty in maintaining bob when wet, why not go for the three-in-one weave-on which maintains a natural-looking bob even after a light shower?

Three–in–one weave –on does not need any curling or togging, just brush in peace and maintain that bobby look.

Braids have always been in vogue. But during this season, they are easier to maintain. So, flaunt your braids this season! At least the dry season weather dries up the hair. The rainy season is kind to our hair, giving us the chance to carry and enjoy braids for a long period.

And when your hair starts to itch, just dab cotton wool with some methylated spirit and wipe the braids from scalp to tip. You are assured of shinning looking braids that will last longer.

Like the weave-on, the attachment used in making braids comes in different colours and lengths, depending on taste and complexion. Braids come in different sizes and styles. It could be big and long ‘’soul to soul’’ or it could be tiny as I Bob Marley or twisting and even tinier as the ‘’million braids or Ivories braids’’.

You could add colour by tying different rubber bands to the tip of each braid!



By TheInterviewsNigeria

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