You cannot give what you don’t have. Unless you have the experience of how teenagers think and behave, it will be difficult for you to understand or mold them to conform to the standard you want for them. Until you come to their level of thinking, to handle them well might be a mirage. Find below 12 points on how to understand the thinking chemistry of teenagers, how and why they behave in most circumstances:

  1. Teenagers are selfish
  2. They are experimental in nature
  3. They will always  test boundaries and test how emotionally you are
  4. They are proud and over-confident, even at things they may not be able to handle well.
  5. They are rebellious-hate rules and restrictions because they curtail their freedom
  6. Think more intelligently than you.
  7. Peer pressure /influence is strong among teenagers
  8. They want to do whatever they feel like doing without thinking of the consequences.
  9. They don’t live in your own world.
  10. Feeling of inadequacies and unsecured.
  11. Like fun and adventures.

Once you identify any or some of the above mentioned, your job now is to do the following:

  1.       Feed them with accurate knowledge
  2.       Give them the right information
  3.       Correct them in love
  4.       Get them to have confidence in you
  5.       Come to their level.
  6.       Encourage them to read good books-motivational, autobiographies etc.
  7.       Encourage them to talk to you on issues that bother them.
  8.       Let them understand the evils of bottling up their challenges.
  9.       Know and be familiar with all their friends (males or females)

10      Involve them in intelligent discussions.

By TheInterviewsNigeria

Publisher/Editor -in Chief with more than a decade of working in the media production industry, Our preoccupation is Development News and rooting for innovation locally and internationally. We are British trained Business English PRO. We edit manuscripts for book publication, translation(English/Yoruba/French). We cross your 't's' and dot your 'i's. We are also into speech draftsmanship and photography; Business reports, and proposals, with minimal cost. Meeting the deadline is our watchword. We would cover your Social /Public events with precision. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Call-08144956897, 08057355037 E-mail-,

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