Several civil servants of Nyandarua County government failed to report to their duties on Monday 25th , March 2024 after the county government cut their monthly salaries.


According to these employees their salaries were deducted based on what the county termed as a misconduct.



Gathering at the Olkalau sports ground the representatives of these workers claimed that the pay cut is unfair following the fact that they were working in toxic environments.

The county workers while in the gathering said that their one complaint is that they have been deducted money from their usual salaries

These workers directed their accusations to the county government for releasing threats to those complaining of the hardships experienced that they face within the offices of work.

The county representative indicated that the workers were issued with letters which listed different misconducts that resulted in the deductions from their salaries from their payslips



They indicated that they had been issued an explanation letter, that had a simple question that wanted them to explain why they they worked less hours and want to be paid.
Placards expressing different messages of dissatisfaction from citizens


The letter also had a question asking each one of them to explain why they want to be paid for the hours they did not worked for.

As a result to this strike, several normal county activities have been on standstill due to disagreements between the county officials and the civil servants over slashing of their salaries.


(Teachers Daily)

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